Chitaristul Brian May, cofondator al trupei Queen, a anunţat pe Instagram că a fost spitalizat după o sesiune „prea entuziastă” de grădinărit.

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El a suferit o ruptură a muşchilor fesieri. May a publicat o fotografie şi o înregistrare video pe Instagram pentru a face anunţul inedit.

„Am reuşit să îmi rup în fâşii muşchiul gluteal într-un moment de grădinărit prea entuziast”.

El a spus că durerea este constantă şi are nevoie de ajutor pentru a se deplasa, dar că încă aşteaptă să afle cât de gravă este situaţia. 


Reality check ! For me. No - the Virus didn’t get me yet - thank God. Hope you’re all keeping extra-safe out there. A decision to relax controls doesn’t suddenly make the danger go away. But me ?? Yes, I’ve been quiet. Reason ? As well as getting over-stretched and harassed by too many demands ... I managed to rip my Gluteus Maximus to shreds in a moment of over-enthusiastic gardening. So suddenly I find myself in a hospital getting scanned to find out exactly how much I’ve actually damaged myself. Turns out I did a thorough job - this is a couple of days ago - and I won’t be able to walk for a while ... or sleep, without a lot of assistance, because the pain is relentless. So, folks ... I need to go dark for a while, getting some complete rest, at home. Please, please don’t send me sympathy - I just need some healing silence for a while. I’ll be back - but I need the complete break. OK ? Thanks. Take care out there. Bri

A post shared by Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) on

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