Jucătorul elveţian de tenis Stan Wawrinka a anunţat pe contul său de Instagram că a încetat colaborarea cu antrenorul Magnus Norman.

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Sub conducerea lui Magnus Norman, Wawrinka a câştigat Openul Australiei, Roland-Garros şi US Open.

"Mulţumesc! După 8 ani împreună, eu şi Magnus Norman am decis să ne separăm. Am avut o colaborare solidă, agreabilă şi fructuoasă. Mulţumesc că m-ai ajutat să câştig tot ce puteam visa să câştig", a scris Wawrinka pe Instagram.

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Thank you ! After 8 great years together @swedennorman and I have decided to part ways by mutual consent. We have had a amazingly strong, enjoyable and hugely successful partnership. We reached the height of this sport together and I want to thank him for helping me win everything that I could ever dreamt of winning. He’s been a great coach, friend and mentor and will always be a dear friend. I want to publicly thank him for all his hard work dedication and commitment in making me a better player over the years. Winning 3 grand slams has been a life changing experience for me and I could not have done that without him. Wishing him all the best in his next chapter in his life !

A post shared by Stanislas Wawrinka (@stanwawrinka85) on

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