Sportiva britanică Alex Danson-Bennett, medaliată cu aur la hochei pe iarbă la JO din 2016, s-a retras din activitatea competiţională din cauza unei accidentări pe care a suferit-o în 2018, când era în vacanţă în Kenya, relatează Reuters.

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Danson-Bennett, în vârstă de 34 de ani, spera să participe şi la ediţia din acest an a Jocurilor Olimpice.

Ea a avut însă probleme mari de când s-a lovit cu capul de un zid de beton râzând la o glumă a soţului său, în septembrie 2018, în timpul unei vacanţe în Kenya. La şase săptămâni după incident, sportiva a ajuns la spital suspectându-se că are hemoragie cerebrală, ea simţindu-se foarte rău şi având convulsii. De asemenea, Danson-Bennett avea pierderi de memorie, dureri foarte mari de cap, sensibilitate la lumină şi probleme de vorbire.


30 mai - Maratonul Fondurilor Europene. Parteneri: BCR, BRD, CEC
4 iunie - Eveniment Piaţa imobiliară românească sub spectrul crizei occidentale. Ediţia a IV-a. Parteneri: 123Credit, Cushman and Wakefield
6 iunie - Maratonul Energiei

Jucătoarea a revenit la antrenamente în ianuarie, dar a decis să se retragă din activitate.

“Provocarea de a reveni în joc după accidentarea la cap este prea mare şi riscul este prea mare. După 17 luni lungi, dar şi 18 ani fabuloşi în sport, este momentul potrivit ca eu să mă retrag”, a notat britanica pe Instagram.



• Today I retire from International Hockey • • After a very difficult 17 months I have come to realise that my priorities have changed and I can no longer be the athlete I have been, so proudly and for so long • The challenge of returning to play following my head injury is too much, and the risks too high • This is not a sad retirement. I have played more games in more tournaments than I could ever have dreamt of. I have made life long friends, travelled the world and loved every single minute of my career • I end my playing days completely content, proud of how I committed every day for 18 years and thankful to have had the most incredible people by my side. I look back and have not one single regret. I lived my dream • There are so many people I must thank • Firstly, my school PE teachers and @altonhockeyclub ; I’ve never forgotten my roots and I will be forever indebted to you for starting me out on this journey • To every teammate I have ever played with. I will never forget the places we travelled, the training that half-killed us, and the pure joy of pulling on a shirt and standing next to you. Medals are amazing, but they mean nothing without the experiences we had in their pursuit • To all the coaches and support staff I have worked with over the years. You truly made me want to be better every day. Thank you for moulding me into the hockey player and person that I have became • To @stevefry789 @englandhockey @gbhockey and everyone that has been in my corner, as a sponsor, hockey player, supporter or volunteer. Thank you, without you none of this would have been possible • To Alex, you were there at the start and are with me at the end, isn’t it funny how life is meant to be • And finally, to my family and friends You have lived every moment with me. You are the centre of my life. I would have nothing without you. Mum and Dad, I owe you everything • You have all inspired me and made me the athlete I became. I learnt, I grew and I gave it everything I had • • • 306 and Out • • Alex. X • • • • • • • #ifyoudonottrywithallyouhaveyouwillneverknow #retirement #thankful #blessed

A post shared by ALEX DANSON-BENNETT MBE (@alexdanson15) on

Sora lui Alex Danson-Bennett, Claire, triatlonistă, are jumătatea inferioară a corpului paralizată ca urmare a unui accident suferit în august 2019, când a fost lovită de un tractor în timp ce se afla pe bicicletă.

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